Article Summary Of:

Suthers, D. (2006).  Technology Affordances for Intersubjective Meaning-making: A Research Agenda for CSCL.  International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 1(2).


Primary Topic(s) Addressed:  Collaborative learning, CSCL

Secondary Topic(s) Addressed:  knowledge construction, knowledge building, intersubjective meaning-making, knowledge communication, common ground


How this might be used on my dissertation:

great operational definitions on pages 1-3 of 'secondary topics' listed above

Questions Raised (potential topic for me):

Which definition of 'knowledge acquisition' is most appropriate for my dissertation?


Summary of Paper:

begins w/ great definitions of knowledge acquisition theories

Terms / Definitions defined:

  1. knowledge constructivism (Piaget): learning is constructed through a process of making sense of the world (meaning-making)
  2. knowledge-communication epistemology (Wenger, Bromme, Hesse & Spada): knowledge is communicated (transferred) and acquired by individuals through a restricted set of communication tools
  3. common ground (Clark’s contribution theory; Clark & Brennan): knowledge is negotiated between individuals- acquired by sharing and negotiating a ‘common ground’
  4. intersubjective meaning-making (Hollan, Hutchins & Kirsch; Koschmann): knowledge is shared among individuals- similar to common ground, but knowledge has the ability to be jointly created (doesn’t have to exist prior to interaction) and agreement doesn’t always have to be negotiated; meaning can be constructed through the artifacts and interactions themselves (seems to be Dr. Suthers’ favorite)
  5. knowledge building (Vygotsky, Lave & Wenger): knowledge capital is built (like how a business builds capital)

Good Quotes:

see paper (circled)